Erato, the Muse of Erotic Poetry
Los 141
Q. Pomponius Musa, 56 BC. Denarius (Silver, 18 mm, 3.91 g, 3 h), Rome. Laureate head of Apollo to right; to left, handle of plectrum. Rev. Q•POMPONI / MVSA Erato, the Muse of Erotic Poetry, standing front, head to right, wearing long flowing tunic and peplum, holding plectrum in her right hand and lyre in her left. Babelon (Pomponia) 17. Crawford 410/7d. RBW -. Sydenham 820a. Beautifully toned and exceptionally well preserved for this popular issue. Good extremely fine.

Ex Peus 384, 2 November 2005, 531 and from the collection of an American Lady, Triton VI, 14 January 2003, 728.

Erato was one of the nine Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who each represented one of the liberal arts, such as astronomy, history, dance, or epic poetry. Erato's domain was that of erotic poetry, her name being derived from the Greek ἐρατός, meaning lovely, or beloved. She is shown holding a lyre, an instrument which often would have accompanied the reading of erotic poetry, famously embodied by the works of such great poets as Sappho (circa 7th-6th century BC) and Anacreon (circa 6th-5th century BC).
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